Subbing HIIT: High Intensity Interval Training
It is THE class that will change your body…No joke! If you want your body to be different you have to do something different and that is how this class works.
You put the high intensity effort in to the exercise. You give it all you’ve got. It’s gonna suck. Embrace the suck because you know you are going to transform into a better version of you!. It is going to be the hardest thing you do all day which in turn will make the rest of the day seem easy. You can do hard things. You will become stronger both physically and mentally. That is why you show up! Plus I will have some great music for motivation! I will also show you how you can incorporate this into your weekly routine. In order for this to be effective, you have to have rest in between.
Free for members.
$12 drop in fee includes use of the facility with locker room and towel service. No need to sign up in advance. Just show up!