Restore your body physically, not just your muscles but also your nervous system , your mind and your emotional well being. This practice is a Yin yoga style focusing on slowly stretching your muscles penetrating into the connective tissue surrounding the joints. Yin yoga works deeply into these connective tissues (ligaments, tendons, cartilage and fascia) to heal joints and increase flexibility through slow, gentle and sustained movement. As human BEINGS, we often become human DOINGS, constantly active. This class is a beautiful complement to our more active classes as well as your active lifestlye. We get to take a passive approach realizing sometimes its the slow down and stillness that brings not only balance but also strength and {em}power into our lives.
You will love these benefits
Enhances flexiblity
Reduces stress and anxiety
Invigorates the energy centers of the body
Releases physical, emotional and metal blockages
Increases circulation & the flow of energy.
Helpful need to knows:
Bring a mat or we have some to borrow
Wear whatever clothes that allow you to move comfortably
Wear layers or bring a blanket if you tend to chill easily or for the final relaxation
Drop in $18
HIghly recommend investing in yourself and purchase a class punch card here